Oklahaven “Have a Heart” Campaign
Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center, a 501c3, in Oklahoma City, OK is celebrating 63 years of serving chronically ill children with chiropractic care. Relaying solely on the generosity of the private sector who shared their vision of natural drug-free health care and of other colleagues to donate their services they have been able to continue their mission to provide this service.
Annually around Valentine’s Day they hold their “Have a Heart” Campaign to raise needed funds to continue the work that they do.
This program has been near and dear to my heart since I learned about it back in the 80’s.
Bringing awareness to this program in your office not only helps support their cause but also brings awareness to your patients and clients that chiropractic IS FOR KIDS.
I’ve included the link to their information of how to run your own campaign. It’s fun, rewarding and easy.
With Love for Chiropractic and the children.