New Year’s Re-organization

I don’t know about you, but for me and many others, January and the New Year always brings a sense of having to re-organize our lives, our time and our space. Not necessarily a New Year’s Resolution but a New Year’s Re-Organization.

Having recently helped my sister and her husband pack up thirty years of “stuff” to move from Wisconsin to South Dakota, and now facing the task of packing up seventy+ years of mom’s “stuff”. I feel an increased need to take a look at my own “stuff” and get it organized now.

The same is true for office space. Is your work space efficient the way it is currently organized? Is there “a place for everything and everything in it’s place”?

Whether you feel the need to organize or not, cleaning out the clutter and changing things up in the office can give you a fresh look and attitude towards your work day. Often times patients will even notice the change and enjoy the fresh “makeover”.

Here are some tips to help you get started today: Link

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