Take a stand today to improve your health!

I recently upgraded my office to a standing Veri-desk. What a difference this has made on the way I feel. I no longer have that hunched over back pain and constant hip pain.

I knew there were benefits to a standing desk but had never really researched it. So now I did…

Healthline lists 7 benefits of using a standing desk.

  1. Standing Lowers Your Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity
  2. Using a Standing Desk May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  3. Standing May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
  4. Standing Desks Appear to Reduce Back Pain
  5. Standing Desks Help Improve Mood and Energy Levels
  6. Standing Desks May Even Boost Productivity
  7. Standing More May Help You Live Longer

For an explanation of each of these seven benefits please visit their web-site Healthline

Mercola also has another great article Improving Your Health by Ditching Desks and Chairs

Take a stand today to improve your health! You’ll be glad you did!


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