Celebrating Grandmas on this Mother’s Day Weekend


This quote brings back memories of days with my Grandmas.

My mom’s mom of German decent, lived with us periodically.  While she didn’t have much financially she was always able to share wise advice.  At that time however I was somewhat of a rebel child and I wasn’t very receptive to it.

She had innate intelligence and “eyes in the back of her head”.  Some days were difficult as we had two women, mom and grandma, telling us what to do, when to do it and correcting us if we were doing something we really shouldn’t have been.

If only I knew then what I know now!

She truly loved us through all of that and only wanted what was best for us.

My dad’s mom on the other hand watched from afar, she lived just a few blocks away, but really didn’t get involved in telling us what to do on a daily basis. She guided us by her actions of soft and kind words, serving us warm baked cookies, going to church regularly and having a deep faith in God.  A loving kind gentle soul.

Both of my Grandma’s have given me some of what it takes to be a good mom and grandma myself.  I hope I’m living up to their standards.

I adore my three grandchildren, a thirteen year old grandson, and eleven year old boy and girl twins. Although  they live only a few blocks away their lives are so busy with baseball, basketball, football, theatre, horseback riding, and their friends that I feel I don’t really get enough time with them. Time passes by so fast.

When I can I do try to share with them what I think to be good advice. I wonder if they too are rolling their eyes like I once did and how they might feel about it a few years down the road.

They are all kind, caring individuals. Their parents have raised them well. I just hope I had a little bit of an influence in that area too.

Happy Mother’s Day to all Grandma’s everywhere!


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