Being a Mother is the Greatest Accomplishment of my Life!

As a child and teen growing up I loved little children!    When I was thirteen my mom, dad and three other siblings welcomed a baby sister to our family. Many families in the community knew I was capable of taking care of an infant so they would request my babysitting services. With many requests I was nicknamed the “town babysitter”.  I wore that title proudly and today enjoy running into some of the toddlers I helped take care of.

At age eighteen I welcomed my first son into this world.  Newly married, being the mom was a whole lot different than being the babysitter.  24/7 this child was my responsibility.

Mothering is an extremely important job! I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

A year later I welcomed son #2 and seven years later #3 arrived.  All unique blessings.

Each one had their own idiosyncrasies as well as many similarities.  We faced accomplishments together, we faced challenges together.  Tried and true we stuck by each others side.

Today, as we celebrate Mother’s Day I can proudly say that together WE HAVE MADE IT!  We have made it through the trials and tribulations of childhood, the teen years, and into adulthood.  Each one of them becoming responsible young men that I love deeply.

If you are a mother, grandmother, step-mother, surrogate mother or a person that someone simply calls you mother CONGRATULATIONS you have been BLESSED with the most greatest accomplishment of all times. Wear your title proudly, you’ve earned it!

AND…. Don’t forget to LOVE deeply!

Happy Mother’s Day to All!


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