ISO: Book Reviews

Have you ever read a great book and thought, boy, so and so should read this? Or, I wish I would have read this a long time ago! Or… possibly even, this was a waste of time!

In an effort to share my newly acquired interest and love for reading I would like to invite you to share book reviews on “Our Breakroom Blog”.

Please prepare your book review including the following information and email to for consideration and posting



Date Started: _______________________________

Date Finished:_______________________________

Health   Immunization   Business   Personal   Diet  & Nutrition  Finance  Other

What was the book about?

What did you like about the book?

Were they any parts you didn’t like?  Discuss.

What was your favorite part of the book?

Would you recommend this book?      Yes      No

Rating:  How many stars would you rate this book      1      2     3     4    5

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