Proposed TSA Slogans

With the recent controversy over more intrusive airport screenings by the Transportation Security Administration (a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security), the TSA wants to adopt a new slogan so that it’s more “in touch with Americans,” a TSA spokesman said. “A warm, touchy feely concept to make our subjects — uh, citizens — more comfortable.”

Suggestions have been coming in daily from all across the country. Some of the best
* TSA: We Rub You the Wrong Way So You Can Be On Your Way

* TSA: We Are Now Free to Move About Your Pants

* TSA: Don’t Worry! My hands are Still Warm From the Last Guy.

* TSA: It’s Not “Groping” – It’s “Freedom Patdowns”.

* TSA: We Handle More Packages Than the Postal Service!

* TSA: If We Did Our Job Any Better, We’d Have to Buy You Dinner First.

* TSA: Want to Fly? Then Drop Your Fly.

* TSA: Only We Know if Lady Gaga is Really a Lady!

* TSA: Grope Discounts Available

* TSA: When We’re in Doubt You’ll Whip it Out


* TSA: You Can’t See London You Can’t See France Unless We See Your Underpants

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