Fun Facts

The average woman spends two years of her life studying herself in mirrors. – The Week Magazine, 10/6/06

If every home in the United States paid its bills online, solid waste would be decreased by 1,600,000,000 tons each year. – Time Magazine, 4/9/07

Because of their poor diets and excess weight, people now in their 50s and 60s suffer from more health problems than their parents did at the same age. – The Week Magazine, 5/4/07

There are 80,000 Boeing employees in the Seattle area. The daily commute for all employees totals 85 trips around the world. – Time Magazine, 4/9/07

The United States divorce rate has fallen to the lowest level since 1970 (3.6 divorces out of 1,000 people). – MSNBC, 5/10/07

Golfer Jacqueline Gagne has hit 10 holes-in-one in the first four months of 2007. The odds of this happening are estimated to be 1 out of 670,000,000,000,000,000,000. – San Diego Union, 5/19/07

There are approximately 250,000 pores on the soles of your feet, secreting a total of about 1/4 cup of sweat each day. San Diego Union, 4/3/07

An adult human spine compresses roughly .59 inch from morning until night. – San Diego Union, 9/28/06

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