“Is this a private fight, or can anyone join in?”

“Is this a private fight, or can anyone join in?”
(Old Irish saying borrowed from the FightingBob.com website.)

Chiropractors have always enjoyed a good fight and this seems like a very good one. B.J. Palmer referred to the saying: “A kite flies highest against the wind.” Dr. Wilk and others fought the “wind” of the AMA and finally won in 1990 (more info). Like the Avis slogan “We try harder”, chiropractic has grown strong because it has had to struggle hard against those with vested interests in insurance and pharmaceutical profits. (See the video on the Town of Allopath. Click here.) In the day-to-day operation of your daily practice, it is sometimes hard to see just how big and persistent the battle is. But it is a good fight and for a noble cause… the health of your patient’s.

You are welcome to join in.

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