Oklahaven “Have a Heart” Campaign

February 1st, 2025

Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center, a 501c3, in Oklahoma City, OK is celebrating 63 years of serving chronically ill children with chiropractic care.  Relaying solely on the generosity of the private sector who shared their vision of natural drug-free health care and of other colleagues to donate their services they have been able to continue their mission to provide this service.

Annually around Valentine’s Day they hold their “Have a Heart” Campaign to raise needed funds to continue the work that they do.

This program has been near and dear to my heart since I learned about it back in the 80’s.

Bringing awareness to this program in your office not only helps support their cause but also brings awareness to your patients and clients that chiropractic IS FOR KIDS.

I’ve included the link to their information of how to run your own campaign.  It’s fun, rewarding and easy.



With Love for Chiropractic and the children.


The SPARKLING Practice and How to Achieve It : Synergy is the Key

May 27th, 2022

We just awarded a two-doctor chiropractic office employee the SPARKLE award for outstanding service to patients and team members for 21 years of service.

Why a SPARKLE award? Well, that was the term most frequently used to describe this team member.

The clinic owner said: “She has dedicated almost 21 years (7,440 days!) of her professional (& personal, let’s be honest) life to our practice & the pulse of our family and pediatric practice. Over those years we have walked many of life’s journeys together, and she has formed meaningful connections with our patients. We have shared laughter (SO MUCH laughter!), tears and everything in between. She has changed many lives in her nearly 21 years.”

While she indeed does “sparkle,” so does the entire practice. And the sparkle of this office is a byproduct of its synergy.

I even feature their practice as a positive example in my book, the Goal Driven Business.

The owner, the doctors, and the staff are all committed to the goal of providing the best service possible to each patient. But their goals also include supporting each other.

According to Merriam Webster: ” ‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,’ expresses the basic meaning of synergy.

In his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey refers to synergy as Habit #6.

“Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn’t just happen on its own. It’s a process…”

Much of the Goal Driven Business draws upon Covey’s work as I have seen his concepts help create a business that runs at full capacity smoothly.

His preceding two habits particularly apply:

  • Habit 4. Think win-win.
  • Habit 5: Seek to understand first, then get understood.

This chiropractic practice has formal communication systems, but they also communicate abundantly informally. And each team member has the goal of helping each other and the patients “win.”

In the end, it all goes back to goals. It always does. The owner keeps the goals, including the mission and core values, at the forefront of the team each week. Further, she sets an example by living these goals professionally and personally.

And as a result, staff are happy, patients are happy, and the office runs at full capacity, profitably and smoothly.

You can generate synergy in your office by improving communication and focus on win-win goals for the patient and for each other.

And make your practice SPARKLE!


PS. For help in creating a synergistic and sparkling practice, contact us!

National Day for Everything!

January 19th, 2022

Happy New Year!  I’m a little late in getting this to you but there is a lot of year left to celebrate!

Did you know there is a day for EVERYTHING?

What is your favorite day!

National Hot Tea Day? National Taco Day? National Hugging Day?  These are just a few to mention.

I wanted to take a minute to share some fun marketing ideas for you to use in your office this year. National Day for Everything can be a simple way to create fun and excitement for your patients without a lot of work.   You will want to plan your calendar ahead a few months so you can let patients in on the fun.   Here’s how to plan it out

  • Pick a day, any day!
  • Go to National Day.com and see what day has been designated. Decisions? Decisions? Pick one.
  • Plan things you can do in your office to celebrate this day.  These can be very simple activities or a full blown party.  Check with your doctor and team to plan accordingly and make sure it fits your budget.  Planning these simple celebratory days creates excitement and fun in your office for your patients and staff.  Celebrating days that are somewhat related to your business is a fun way to educate your patients too.  (Use the ideas suggested by National Day.com.  I have a few samples below.)
  • Post the calendar in the office and remind patients through Facebook Live and your monthly newsletter  what, when, and how you will be celebrating this special day.
  • Let us know how you’re celebrating.  Share your event on our Facebook Page.

Ideas: Taken from National Day.com

National Word Nerd Day Activities

  1. Use a new word – Preferably that relates to your office.
    Open a dictionary and find a word you’ve never used before. See if you can use it in a sentence before the end of the day.
  2. Make up a new word  Is there something that you just can’t describe with the words currently available? Invent your own word and maybe you’ll see it in the dictionary before long!
  3. Learn your favorite word in other languages

    Impress your amigos by translating some of your favorite words and phrases into other tongues. They’ll think it’s ‘fantastique’!


How to Observe National Winter Skin Relief Day

  1. Read about skincare in the winterLearn about skincare routines you should adopt during winter to protect and save your skin from its harshness. Cold, dry air can leave your skin itchy and irritated, so learning how to prevent it will do you a world of good.
  2. Care for your skinWinter can make your skin feel dry since indoor heat zaps moisture from the air and your skin. Follow a simple routine of staying hydrated and regularly moisturizing to retain your skin’s natural moisture.
  3. Share skincare tips on social media. Help people maintain their skin’s health during winter by sharing your skincare routine and using the hashtag #WinterSkinReliefDay.


National Hot Tea Month Activities –

Set up a Tea station in your office and share these tips with your clients.

  1. Drink hot tea with those you Love

    Sharing a pot of tea with friends is a social event. Humans are social beings, and drinking tea is a great way for humans to connect. Nothing shows friendship more than getting your pals together over a hot kettle and chatting.

  2. Buy a new tea you have never tried

    As we grow older our preferences change, and your tea choice should too! Search for new flavors online, or find stores in your community that have a wide variety.

  3. Give yourself a mental moment

    Drinking a cup of brewed tea is a comfort all its own. Maybe you need a moment to recollect during the day, or you need a cup in the evening to put your thoughts to rest. The power of tea is that strong!

There are a variety of other sites that offer the same information.  Check it out!

List of National Days.com
What National Day.com
Day of the Year.com
Check i day.com

Have fun with it and I’ll be watching on Facebook for your pics.


Goal Driven Special Promotion: October 21st – October 25th

October 19th, 2021

The Goal Driven Business

A New Business Building Methodology for Professional Practices will be offered FREE on Kindle

Thursday, October 21st thru Monday, October 25th.

With the purchase of every book, hard copy or Kindle download and signup for our Monthly Newsletter, the Goal Driver, that contains tips you won’t find anywhere else, you will also receive 10+ powerful Goal Driven Tools FREE to build and develop your practice.

Original Pricing: $18 for hard copy, $9 for Kindle.

VISIT:  Goal Driven now to get your copy and download for free tools today!

Newly released book “The Goal Driven Business”

July 8th, 2021

There’s a NEW book on the market just for you and your boss.

Ed has been working diligently the past 5+ years compiling his 35 years of knowledge and experience into an essential handbook about a new business-building methodology that is simpler, faster, more profitable and more fun than whatever you are doing now!

The Goal Driven Business is now available at Amazon or on our Goal Driven web-site.

For a limited time he has reduced the price from $18.00 to $8.00 dollars.

Share this info with your boss and get your copy today!


The No Sugar Easter Basket

April 7th, 2020

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 now more than ever it is important to curb the sugars in your diet and those of your children and grandchilden.

My three sons range from age 43-36.  How that happened I’ll never know. Anyways, I’ve learned a lot about the good and bad of nutrition since my boys were young.

According to Mayo Clinic “eating sugars of any kind has the potential to reduce your body’s defenses by 75% or more for four to six hours.”

Web MD says “Eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria. This effect lasts for at least a few hours after downing a couple of sugary drinks.”

In a recent article from HuffPost they state ““Nutrient deficiencies can increase your risk level when warding off infection, and food items with high levels of refined sugar are usually nutritionally obsolete. Sugar triggers low-grade inflammation in the body and also increases the mass. This can contribute to diseases that are chronic in nature, things as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.”

And the list goes on….article after article can be found on the web, in newspapers, blogs ect. on this topic.

How much sugar is in your favorite Easter Candy? Here’s an idea.

  • Cadbury Egg – 26 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar
  • Jelly Beans – 10 each = 8 grams of sugar – But who stops at 10?  130 jelly beans = 100 grams or 25 teaspoons of sugar/8Tablespoons.
  • 4 Peeps – 26 grams of or 6 teaspoons of sugar
  • Lindt Milk Chocolate Gold Bunny – 1/3 size = 22 grams
  • Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Kisses – 1 serving = 18 grams
  • Russell Stover Coconut Cream Egg – 1 serving = 16 grams

Now is the time to wake up and change up that Easter Basket.  Here are some of my favorite ideas that I used to include in my boy’s baskets.  I’ll give you some ideas for girls too, but I’ll have to guess at those. ?  Some of the items can be interchangeable, you decide.

  • Kites
  • Matchbox cars
  • Socks
  • Army men
  • Stickers
  • Activity Books
  • Colors
  • Playdoh
  • Legos
  • Trail Mix
  • Cheese and Cracker packets
  • Gift cards

and for the girls:

  • Hair ties, ribbons, head bands
  • barbie doll
  • barbie clothes
  • dolls
  • playing cards
  • small puzzles
  • jump rope
  • bubbles
  • sidewalk chalk
  • small planting kits
  • nuts (if they don’t have a food allergy)
  • Raisins

These are just a few off the top of my head.  There are many other items you can use to fill that basket to cut out the sugars.

Be creative and don’t feel guilty for not putting in the candy.  You will save money at the dentist and you will be setting them up for a lifetime of better health by educating them now.  Make this Easter the birth of a new healthy way of living.

Happy Easter everyone.



COVID-19 Time Capsule Project

April 4th, 2020


Here in Wisconsin we are approaching three weeks into our Stay-at-Home order from the Governor in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

I spend hours scrolling the internet for information on how to best help my family avoid contracting this ugly beast.  I also have deep empathy for all the teachers, and students that are now involved in “homeschooling” while parents are sharing the space to continuing to work from home.  I don’t have school age children so it doesn’t affect me and I am very grateful for that.  I don’t really think I could accomplish it.  So kudos to the teachers, parents and students for being diligent in carrying on with the children’s education as best they can.

Folks, we are making history!  Why not capture it?

I found this Time Capsule Project Booklet created by Long Creations(click image for download) that was shared on Facebook by the National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Linemen.

With nothing to do, and no place to go, I thought it was a perfect way to capture thoughts, feelings, the history of the day, etc.   We all have a different perspective of what is happening and I may even do one myself.

Take a look.  Work on it each day.  Bind it and put it away for save keeping when this whole thing has passed.    These booklets will be a piece of history to be shared with their children and grandchildren.

Stay safe, stay well.


Healthy Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

March 15th, 2020

The coronavirus COVID-19 threat has put the world into a tailspin.

One thing you can do now for you and your family is to strengthen your immune systems.  As with any illness, in the event you come in contact with this virus you will be much better able to fight it off without too much trouble.

Here is an excerpt from an older article from Harvard University. 

Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
  • Try to minimize stress.

Read the full article here: Health Harvard EDU

Take a stand today to improve your health!

June 20th, 2019

I recently upgraded my office to a standing Veri-desk. What a difference this has made on the way I feel. I no longer have that hunched over back pain and constant hip pain.

I knew there were benefits to a standing desk but had never really researched it. So now I did…

Healthline lists 7 benefits of using a standing desk.

  1. Standing Lowers Your Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity
  2. Using a Standing Desk May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  3. Standing May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
  4. Standing Desks Appear to Reduce Back Pain
  5. Standing Desks Help Improve Mood and Energy Levels
  6. Standing Desks May Even Boost Productivity
  7. Standing More May Help You Live Longer

For an explanation of each of these seven benefits please visit their web-site Healthline

Mercola also has another great article Improving Your Health by Ditching Desks and Chairs

Take a stand today to improve your health! You’ll be glad you did!


Paleo Avocado Tuna Salad

November 24th, 2017


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 lemon juiced, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon chopped onion to taste
  • 5 ounces cooked or canned wild tuna
  • sea salt to taste
  • fresh ground pepper to taste


  1. Cut the avocado in half and scoop the middle of both avocado halves into a bowl, leaving a shell of avocado flesh about 1/4-inch thick on each half.
  2. Add lemon juice and onion to the avocado in the bowl and mash together. Add tuna, salt and pepper, and stir to combine. Taste and adjust if needed.
  3. Fill avocado shells with tuna salad and serve.

Prep Time:5 mins
Total Time:5 mins
Servings: 1 – 2 servings

Thanks to:  CookEatPaleo.com

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